Fans, Patrons, and Volunteers of Latherfest 4
Chris Vesper,  Tim Friesner, and  Tom Landry, all of Eye

Fans enjoying the festival like atmosphere
*photos by Ryk Lewis*

Randy Leuker, Tim Vogt (aka Tymmy Toga) and Kris Warren

Fans enjoying the Festival Like atmosphere
*photos by Ryk Lewis*

Fans enjoying the Festival-like atmosphere

Stacy and Nikki J. with Mooker at the Lather Entertainment food stand, where smiles and kisses are always free!

View from the Lake
*photos by Ryk Lewis*

Ricky Pieper and Dennis Gaddis, both of Orange Punch Warfare

Bartenders--Beer supplied by Woffy's Corner Bowl, Mt. Olive, IL
*photos by Ryk Lewis*

Local Artisans Selling custom, hand made jewelry
*photos by Ryk Lewis*

Patron being fitted for the Jewelry--talk about service!!!
*photos by Ryk Lewis*

Fans enjoying the festival-like atmosphere

Little Fans
*photos by Ryk Lewis*

Fans enjoying the festival-like atmosphere

Fans soaking up the Local Scenery, while enjoying the music
*photos by Ryk Lewis*

Fans enjoying the festival-like atmosphere

As you can see, Ryk Lewis took some great pictures, and the ones included here are just a sampling.  To see all of Ryk's photos, go to and click on
"My Photos"
Thanks, Ryk, for sharing them with us!!!
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